6 Difference about Coffee – Cappuccino vs Latte

We all know that a cappuccino is a coffee drink that contains hot milk, while Latte (as translated from the Italian “latte”) means milk. Wikipedia describes latte as “a coffee drink made with espresso and steamed milk” which makes us wonder about how different the drink is from the classic cappuccino. Let’s scrutinize into the subtle differences together:

  1. Milk quantities. Whereas cappuccino contains less textured milk latte has its higher content
  2. Milk froth thickness. Traditional Cappuccino receipt is 1/3 milk foam topping while caffe latte comes with a thinner approximately 1 cm milk foam topping
  3. Milk froth density. While it is a common requirement for cappuccino and latte to have homogeneous milk froth with no bubbles different in size, the density of the foam will differ. Cappuccino has more compact and dense foam that is required to keep sugar on top of it once poured.
  4. Serving. Latte would usually be served in a high glass cup 240 – 360 ml while cappuccino typically comes in a lower porcelain cup 180 ml or less on a saucer
  5. Powdering the topping. It is a common practice to put chocolate or cinnamon powder on top of the cappuccino beverage while latte may enjoy occasional latte art on top of it. But usually comes with pure milk foam instead
  6. Taste. Cappuccino is a stronger drink that clearly preserves its espresso basics while latte is a smoother drink where coffee aroma does not come distinctly

The history of the word “cappuccino” is fairly curious either. It is a mixture of a few languages literally meaning “little cap” formerly referring to… the Capuchin monks (Franciscan Catholic order). Rather, their appearance and dress style – brown hooded cowls and shaved friars’ heads, resembling classic Cappuccino cup.

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